Current Proposals
We are looking to increase the number of houses on the site by a modest amount to a maximum of 55 homes whilst still retaining the large areas of open space throughout the site and ensuring that a good mix of housing is provided in accordance with the policies of the Weston Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan.
Our initial plans showed 37 homes, but this resulted in a very low density form of development. Attempts to make more efficient use of this allocated site, invariably led to a development consisting mostly of very large homes in very large plots.
The new proposals have been informed not only by the constraints identified earlier such as the heritage and natural assets such as the trees, but also by the following:
- The proposals are primarily landscape led and will minimise the impact of the development on its surroundings, including the open countryside to the north and to the east of the site
- Planning for a development that is sustainable by:
- providing a range of homes that meet the needs of the locality, including homes for younger families and the elderly
- including high quality design
- incorporating measures and features that help conserve and enhance the natural environment
- addressing the conservation of local heritage assets
- providing for sustainable land drainage which takes account of the effects of climate change
Whilst the proposed number of units will increase the gross density it will still be less than 15 d/ha, which is still considered to be low density development and is much less than the Ariconium site. This reflects the fact that significant areas of open space will be provided on site.