Weston under Penyard

Public Consultation

Next Steps

Proposed Housing Development of up to 55 homes.

Land between Hunsdon Manor Gardens & Bury Hill Lane, Weston Under Penyard

  • The opportunity for input from the local community is an important part of the planning process and your views will be considered by Lagan Homes as part of the consultation process.
  • We are still in the early planning stages of this development, so the feedback you give us today will be invaluable in helping us to refine these plans.
  • An application will be submitted next year at which point the local community including the Parish Council will be consulted as part of the planning application determination process. If planning permission is granted by Hereford County Council, then the site preparation work is expected to start during late 2023/early 2024.
  • During the construction stage we fully commit to building responsibly and considerately so that the work has as little impact as possible on nearby residents and businesses.

We welcome your views on our proposals

Thank you for taking the time to visit this web site which illustrates our draft proposals for up to 55 new homes on the allocated housing site to the north of the A40.

Your feedback will help us to refine our plans and will be included in a Statement of Community Involvement submitted to Herefordshire County Council as part of any planning application.

Please complete the feedback form below:

    Q1. Thinking about the information on display here today, which of the following elements do you support? (Please rank them from 1-6 with 1 being the one you support the most).

    Q2. The above questions help us to understand what elements of our proposals are most important to local residents. Please let us know what else you feel is important by leaving any other comments below:

    Q3. In terms of affordable housing what form of housing would you prefer to see within the development? (Again, please rank your preference with 1 being the highest)

    Q4. A key element of the current proposals is to increase the number of homes within the confines of the allocated, site whilst still providing large areas of open space and protecting heritage assets, i.e. making efficient use of land. Are you supportive of this approach?

    Q5. Of the schemes on display which would you consider to be the best one? Again, rank them in order of your preference.

    Q6.Would you prefer to see the development provide a play area within the development, or provide a financial contribution to the Parish Council to improve existing facilities?

    Q7. Considering the information you have seen here today would you support any subsequent planning application?

    Q8. Please tick the appropriate boxes below: