Weston under Penyard

Public Consultation


Lagan Homes is proposing to submit a planning application for a development on land to the north of the A40 to the east of the village.

Herefordshire County Council are currently working on a replacement Local Plan (The Local Plan 2021- 2041) and any new allocations they identify will be in addition to those already shown in the various Neighbourhood Plans in the County, including Weston under Penyard.

The scale of development likely to be proposed in Weston is unknown and is still to be determined by the County Council, but it could be as much as 68 homes in addition to the current allocations in the Weston under Penyard Neighbourhood Plan (WNP).

The site is relatively large (4.1ha) and is currently allocated for “approximately 37 units” within the WNP resulting in a gross density of 9d/ha (dwellings per hectare).

proposed site for development outlined in red

extract from the WNP showing the housing allocations

The site opposite, Ariconium, was allocated for 18 units in the WNP, but the site actually provides 35 homes at a density of around 27d/ha.

A key desire of the Lagan Homes development is to optimise the use of this housing site, which will help to reduce pressure on the County Council and the Parish Council to allocate more land for housing, whilst still ensuring that any new development reflects the policies and aspirations of the local community and protects and enhances biodiversity and heritage in a sustainable way.

These are our initial proposals, and we would like to hear your comments and feedback before we submit a planning application early in 2023.


Earlier Permission

In December 2015 planning permission was granted for the development of the site for 37 large executive style homes as indicated on the approved plan shown below.
That permission was never implemented.

Please download the information board (Earlier Permission) to find out more.

Lagan Homes

Lagan Homes is a privately owned house building and development organisation with a strong record in creating high quality homes and communities.

We specialise in building high-quality, energy-efficient housing for sale on the open market and in the social housing sector. We continually invest in developing innovative sustainable building designs, materials and construction methods.

We support several hundred local jobs through our direct employment of local people and our use of local consultants, contractors and subcontractors. Wherever possible we purchase from local firms everything from the architectural design which starts the house building process through to the decorating which completes it.

Lagan Homes is working together with our sister company FastHouse (manufacturers and installers of timber frame systems) for a more sustainable future.