Weston under Penyard

Public Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can a safe access to the site be provided?

Answer: The access is based upon the design that was approved previously. That access was originally designed for up to 75 dwellings. A revised and updated Transport Statement is being prepared to accompany the new application. This will take into account any changes in policy, or changes to specifications since the original approval.

Question: Will the roads have capacity for the anticipated increase in traffic?

Answer: This was assessed in detail with the original application for 37 homes and the impact on the roads was found to be acceptable. A revised Transport Statement is being prepared to take into account the impact of the additional dwellings, but the initial findings are that there will be no significant impacts on the highway network.

Question: How will existing infrastructure such as schools, doctors etc., cope with the additional demand?

Answer: The earlier application found the need for a number of contributions from the developer to pay for improvements to community infrastructure such as schools and a pedestrian crossing to enable them to increase capacity, or provide other necessary improvements required as a consequence of the development. The same process will apply with this application, and we envisage contributions to be needed in respect of education, transport (improvements to cycle, pedestrian routes, bus infrastructure as identified in the WNP), waste and recycling, libraries, and NHS facilities. These will generally be based on a cost per dwelling, or cost per person, so the amounts are dependent upon the scale of development granted.

Question: Is there enough capacity in the foul sewer network to accommodate the proposed development?

Answer: Pre-development enquiries have been submitted for the increase in numbers of the development to Welsh Water. Whilst we are still awaiting a response, we do not expect any issues with a development of up to 55 units as Welsh Water raised no objections to a scheme of 75 homes on this site previously. In addition, with the proposed water efficiency measures proposed to be included within the development, the increase in flow rates arising from the increase is not expected to be significant.

Question: How will surface water from the development be dealt with?

Answer: The development will incorporate a Sustainable Drainage Scheme (SuDS). A key feature of this will be the provision of a new attenuation pond in the southeast corner of the site where all the water from the development will drain into. This pond, together with the existing pond will be designed to hold the water in the case of extreme events (1in 100 years + 30% climate change). From here the water will then flow into the existing surface water drainage system via a hydro brake which will limit the flow to existing greenfield runoff rates.

Question: Will there be a play area provided?

Answer: The original planning permission showed a play area within the area of archaeological interest. This was intended to serve the needs of the occupiers of the new dwellings. Locating a play area, even if carefully designed may not be an appropriate location and it may be better to make a contribution to enhancing existing play facilities. We would welcome your views on this.

Question: What types of housing will be delivered?

Answer: It is envisaged that a wide choice of high quality homes will be built at an appropriate mix and size. This will include affordable homes in accordance with national and local planning policy.

Question: What are affordable homes?

Answer: Generally, affordable housing is defined as housing of a decent standard, which is cheaper than that which is available in the local housing market. It can be provided in a number of ways but the most common types are:

  • Housing provided to rent at below open market costs for households in need, usually by local councils or housing associations;
  • Shared ownership or shared equity (HomeBuy) intermediate schemes where a percentage of the home is sold to a household, usually 50% or more, with a rent for the remainder paid to a housing association.
  • Housing that is sold at a discount of at least 20% below local market value. Eligibility is determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices. Provisions would be in place to ensure housing remains at a discount for future eligible households.

Question: How will the increase in population effect services and amenities?

Answer: We are aware that residential developments can place extra pressure on existing infrastructure such as schools, healthcare and roads. Various infrastructure providers such as the education authority and highways authority will be consulted as part of the planning application process and reasonable and necessary financial contributions would be provided if required to offset the development.

The proposal will also generate increased expenditure in the local area associated with the contributions towards council tax and the furnishing of new homes. The local economy would also benefit from increased footfall and expenditure at local shops and businesses helping to ensure these businesses continue to thrive.

Question: My feedback on your proposals isn’t going to make any difference – this is all a done deal, isn’t it?

Answer: No, not at all. These are our initial proposals, and we haven’t yet submitted for planning permission. Your feedback is really important to us and may help shape our proposals. This public consultation exercise is about listening to and recording your views. It may be that the views expressed have an impact on what our final plans look like. We welcome any suggestions you may have.

Question: Will there be an opportunity for local people to work in construction of the site?

Answer: We are wholly committed to working with the local community and where possible will seek to use local contractors in the build out of the scheme.

Question: How can I view the planning application?

Answer: Once submitted, the planning application will be available to via the planning register on Charnwood Borough Council’s website.